Big focus on finding the right long-cycled match
between the company and the candidate
At Search & Select the essence in our cooperation is that we always make ourselves acquainted with the background/situation of our customers and candidates. Competences and experience are heavy facts with which we work in details, but the sensitive side as to personality and the following match between the right employer and candidate is our main competence guaranteeing a good result for both the company and the candidate.
We expect that during the whole process our customers and our candidates want a close cooperation. In such a cooperation we work with mutual demands and expectations.

We believe that in order to find the right match between company and candidate it is of course necessary further to professional competences, tools, etc. that you possess a deep human insight/understanding. That we do at Search & Select. Thus we ensure that no matter if you as a candidate are appointed through us to a certain position, we guarantee a process with focus on the individual person and handle the professional and comprehensive progress with respect.
Enabling us to do that we wish that both company and candidate are not afraid to be open and honest in a cooperation as well as remain critical and constructive through the entire process.